Friday, September 21, 2012

{ Wide }

Here we go again: Five Minute Friday! The challenge: Set the timer for five minutes and go. Unscripted. Unedited. Real. Get your fingers dirty and type!

Five Minute Friday

Word of the Week: Wide

I'm like one of those horses in period films, blinders on, unable to see anything but what's immediately straight ahead of me. The sad thing is, so much of the time I don't even wonder what's on the other side of those blinders. I assume the little bit of road in front of me is all there is in the world.

I stand outside a vacant home, cheery red door and narrow front porch, peer in windows at dingy carpet and old linoleum and my heart sinks. Will we live here? Do we have to live somewhere like this if we want to buy a home? A few minutes later, Mike and our realtor show up, and Mike is all joy and excitement, pointing at what he can fix here and how he will make that better. "I love this place!" he declares with the gusto of a lover, and inside I am shocked.

The next day I go to the windswept sunny beach to pray about this. Lainie naps in her stroller, and I hear God's gentle words. This life God has for us, this life God has for me, it is big. It is wider and fuller and more varied and beautiful than I imagine in my little blinder-bound world. It may include awful wallpaper and a kitchen that needs to be totally redone, yes; but what of it? God's view of our house hunt is the wide-angle one, the long-distance vision, the eyes that see not only further down the path, but all the options around me too...He gently lifts the blinders and says, Trust me, daughter. I have you in My hands.


  1. This is so beautiful and perfect for me to hear right at this very moment.

    All week, I've been stuck on a message I received in a book I'm reading (1000 Gifts, Ann Voskamp). She was talking about how when we are in the middle of something painful or uncomfortable, something that doesn't make sense, we need to remember that we can't see the whole picture. God see's the big picture, it's his painting.

    Thank you for sharing!

    1. Oh Vicki, I LOVE 1000 Gifts! It is such a life-transforming read!

  2. Lovely words, soaked with a ton of truth. Far too often, blinders get in the way of seeing what is beyond the narrow path in front of us; I am guilty. Such a good reminder that God knows the whole picture, we see fragments - thank you.

  3. Oh I love this so much! And your heart and trusting God and seeing the as Anne V. says ugly/beautiful...And just for the record, David is getting really good at kitchen if you ever need any help down the road...And, I am still thinking of coming over in it too late to register...

    1. I totally thought of you when we were in that house. :-) We'll see where we end up...still quite a few houses to look at in the next week and deciding IF we want to pursue any of them. It's not too late to register!! I'd love it if you come!

  4. THANK YOU! It seems like God has really been surrounding me with the reminder that He does see the whole canvas and will paint something so much more spectacular and amazing than I can even imagine! Perhaps there will be a lot of shading and dark stormy colors but they will only add to the beauty of the masterpiece and truly complete it! I especially am encouraged by your last words for they are so true, God is so gentle and trustworthy! Praying I can allow the blinders to be removed and I can trust Him more with the whole view!

  5. So true! I know he has a special place for you both. It may be a little rough around the edges at first, but once you put your hand to it, it will be a beautiful, loved home :)
