Thursday, July 1, 2010

{ Baubles! }

There was giveaway a few weeks ago on Chelle's blog, and guess who won?
I did!
I'd have liked to scream, but I was too surprised. I've entered a few online giveaways, never expecting to win. C'mon, the internet is big, and I'm just little ol' me.
And what a treat of a giveaway it was, too: Any item--any item!--from a lovely little Etsy shop called Chouettes.
I nearly fainted from delight.
Vintage bridal?
French inspired?
Old Hollywood glamour?
All these are words that Lily, the lovely shop owner, uses to describe the styles of jewelry she makes. And let me tell you, ladies and gentlemen, I would be thrilled to own ANYTHING in her shop!
When the package came in the mail, I knew that opening it and meeting my new baubles would be a delightful experience. I wanted to savor it. I wanted to have time to thoroughly enjoy our introduction.
Hence, the package sat first on the dining table, then on my desk, for a week. A week, folks!! When I finally had a moment to open it, this is what I found inside:
{Don't you love the bird motif on her card, by the way?}
Cherryheads were inside the pink package.
Isn't it comforting to know that they are a fat-free food?

These are the earrings I chose.
Don't they make you think of summer and sherbet?

I have so much more to tell you...about Farm Chicks, paint colors, new recipes, knitting projects, and our upcoming {first!!} wedding anniversary. I'm still semi-buried under the chaos of painting--I decided that since everything was already out, I should sort and re-organize all of it. So there are still some enormous piles perched around our place; the fact that they are driving me crazy, coupled with not wanting to take photos till everything is put away, will hopefully be a good incentive! Lord willing, I'll have more time to devote to blogging in the very near future.


  1. That was an amazing package! your so lucky! I love the earrings. but ummm a WEEK!? It sat there for a week! that's crazy talk girl hehe

    Can't wait to hear all the exciting posts you have coming up and hope the painting chaos gets sorted soon :)

  2. I honestly admit to not having that kind of patience to open a package! So lovely. You certainly chose the perfect pair of earrings for you. Love you dear.
