
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

{ One Year Old }

It's an odd transition for a mama, this jump from measuring time--a little person's entire life--in weeks and months to years. For the life of me, I cannot comprehend how it's been a year since Lainie's birth. One year ago today the three of us were still at Children's, struggling with all our might through "she's too sleepy to eat as much as the surgeons want her to," sleeping in 1.5-hour increments, and living in her hospital room. Now she's a chattering, cruising, carb-loving munchkin with eight teeth and a penchant for long naps. A year ago, I could never have imagined today. This life. And I am so, so incredibly thankful that it's ours!
I took this photo the day before Lainie's birthday. As you can see, she was hamming it up--probably trying to convince me to let her hold the chalkboard.

On Saturday we had a little party. Just immediate family and our friends Katie and Morgan, who were visiting us that weekend all the way from Australia {more on that in my next post}. Eight grownups was the perfect size--both for our tiny home, and for our tiny girl, who is still quite shy in groups and clings to mommy and daddy when other people are around.

These ladybug--ahem, Lainie-bug--cupcakes were a pink lemonade cake mix and frosting that I tried to turn red. After using an entire bottle of red food coloring, I settled for hot pink. The spots are mini chocolate chips, and the "head" is melted chocolate. We also had watermelon, a Thai-style bean salad, pink lemonade, and a variety of hot appetizers from Trader Joe's: pastry puffs with feta and caramelized onions, mac and cheese bites, and "pastry pups"-- mini hot dogs in puff pastry buns, sprinkled with cheese.

Lainie pretty much inhaled the feta and onion cups and the mac and cheese bites. She also felt that her hair was the perfect place to wipe her hands when they got a little too greasy or crumb-covered.

Mike picked up Morgan and Katie from the airport that morning, and they all helped with decorations. Katie and Morgan hung the crepe paper streamers; they looked so festive and cheery! You can't really tell from the photo, but they were red with white polka dots, just like the drink straws and candy cups. Candy cups? Oh yes, we also had malted milk balls and gummy bears!

I printed one photo from each month of Lainie's life, newborn through 11 months, and people guessed how old she was in each photo. In a stroke of hostessing genius, I forgot to get a prize, but our guests were troopers and played anyway. I think Mike's mom won, with seven correct guesses out of twelve!

The little munchkin got so many gifts. She loved ripping the wrapping paper and tissue, and trying to open the cards.

This monkey was a favorite.

Very. Serious. Business.

A beautiful dress from Grandma Mandy, to wear to Auntie Amaryah's wedding in a few weeks.

A koala from Katie and Morgan, all the way from Australia! This little face of hers cracks me up every time--she does it when she knows she's posing. I think she thinks she's smiling. Dearie me!

Trying to open the card from Chelle and David.

The cutest bathing suit from Auntie Mar!

Happy Birthday Girl!

A xylophone from mama and daddy. She loved it. I wish you could've seen her face when Mike started playing it and she realized it made music--she made the most astonished "Did you hear that?! Can you believe it?!" face at me and Lawrence. We were dying laughing!

She's not so much a fan of cupcakes, especially the sticky frosting. She took very careful, ladylike bites of the bottom if we held it up for her, but she was tried to stay as un-sticky as possible.

We love you, Lainie Rae! Happy Happy Birthday!


  1. Wow - how can she be one already?? What a little sweetheart she is! (and posing face => hilarious..) Your Lainie-bug cupcakes are adorable, and I love the photo banner idea. How special to celebrate with your Aussie friends too!

  2. Happy (belated) Birthday to Lainie!!! We call Mercy "Bug" too; it's one of daddy's special names =)
    Love all her poses and facial expressions!!! =) So cute! really hope to someday meet her and future siblings too! ;)
