
Friday, July 5, 2013

{ My 4th of July, by Lainie Rae }

Happy Independence Day, everyone!!
Y'all may think yesterday was Independence Day, but today is my Independence Day. One year ago today I was discharged from Children's Hospital!
Don't worry, Mama and Dada and I celebrated the 4th of July too. Mama and I took looooong naps in the morning, and then we all went to a nearby street fair. Mama kept apologizing to Daddy about it being "lame," but I don't know what she was talking about. I was keepin' it cool.
Then we went to our friends' Joe and Angela's house. They had a huge container of ice! Have you ever seen ice before?! It's so much fun to play with! Slippery and really, really cold. I could have played with ice for hours.

I also helped Joe and Daddy grill burgers.

And I took Daddy on walks. He loves the exercise. I try to keep him guessing as far as what direction we're going and how fast or slow to go. Think I did pretty good.

I hope all of you had a wonderful Independence Day {or Days} too!
Lainie Rae


  1. Looks like a wonderful day in Lainie-world:) ....and I recognize the shirt! So glad it fit so well. Didn't even think of it working for the 4th of July. Adorable as always she is.

  2. Ha! I love how this is written from Lainie's perspecitve :) Happy Fourth!

  3. Awww what an adorable way to write a post!!! Love it from "Laine's view" =) And her outfit is just adorable!!
