
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

{ Some Days }

Some days I realize I will never be able to say enough thank-yous for the graces drenching my life
His living Word
renewing and transforming heart, mind and soul
perfect for each day
that He wrote us a book so we can know Him and His love--

Mike--this man who makes me coffee in the morning before he goes to work
and warms my coffee cup with hot water
and sets out the cream for me
and always kisses me goodbye
working so hard so I don't need to provide an income
cheerfully, daily, laying down his life for his girls
and counting it all joy
This babycakes girl
healthy--so healthy!
chattering up a storm
studies everything intently
happy to play with strings and straps
always always reaching for me
naptime snuggles
chubby dimpled fingers and elbows
eyes that smile like her Grandpa Duck's
This sweet little treehouse
easy to clean
painted colors I love
minutes from beach, lighthouse, so much beauty
shared meals
tears and prayer
how did people stay in touch before?!
So much.
So thankful.
So daily.
If His grace is an ocean, we're all sinking.

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