
Friday, February 15, 2013

{ Beloved }

Linking up at Tales of a Gypsy Mama for this week's Five Minute Friday!


Five Minute Friday  
I can feel it in his gaze, how much he loves me. He always whispers "Goodbye, I love you, have a good day" when he slips into the dark of our bedroom to kiss me goodbye before leaving for work in the morning. And the first thing he does when he gets home? Before he loves on that bewitchingly chubby little girl? Kisses me and tells me he loves me.
I know what it is to be someone's Beloved. I know what it is to be so, so secure in his know that I can count on him no matter what. Looking back, I know now that I didn't expect it. Not even after I said yes and he put the ring on my finger. I couldn't fathom anyone knowing me--and still loving me. Not just "still" loving me, but loving me more each day, loving me more with the passage of time, more even though he knows even better how I'm broken and dirty and how I've hurt him and how I'll inevitably hurt him again. Because we're both human, you know?
He's not perfect. Neither am I. But I am his Beloved. He's always finding new ways to show me. Last night it was sea salt caramel gelato and a Skor bar--and I said I didn't want anything for Valentine's Day!


  1. Lovely post!! Loved that line I couldn't fathom anyone knowing me and still loving me, haaa isn't that the truth? I feel the same way about my hub!!

  2. I relate with every word. Totally sitting here, nodding head like a crazy. :) I'm so happy for you, because there is NOTHING like being loved in this manner.

  3. :) Sweet! It is amazing a love from a hubby... {side note: The comment form is lining up with your darling little baby girl ... and that hilarious picture of her HAHA! She's cute!}

  4. Well done Jesus. Well done, Mike. :) Thanks for sharing!

  5. Nodding my head too! Human yet loving with divine love. You two are sweet!

  6. I so agree with Wendi@EveryDayMiracles! God has done such blessed, amazing, unfathomable things in our lives... and graced them with such wonderful men! Thank you for that reminder that "Not just "still" loving me, but loving me more each day, loving me more with the passage of time, more even though he knows even better how I'm broken and dirty and how I've hurt him and how I'll inevitably hurt him again." ...that's my husband! how I want to remember that is the truth every hard and rough moment! =)
