
Friday, April 19, 2013

{ jump }

Linking up with Lisa-Jo over at Five Minute Friday. This week's prompt: Jump.


it's contagious
if you're around someone who isn't afraid to jump
head first
feet first
just jump
into whatever wild and terrifying and beautiful unknown Jesus places in front of you
i've loved him for five years
been married for almost four
and i've prayed so, so many times for the courage and desire i see in him
the courage to jump

i see both of us in her:
the slow, methodical examination of whatever new thing she's got between her tiny chubby fingers
and then the wholehearted SHOVE into her mouth
she's not afraid
she will accept any new challenge you give her
sure, she thinks about it first
gets familiar with it--a little--
but always, she jumps
into the unknown food or toy
{not so much into the arms of unkown people, but that's another story!}

i have prayed so many times that God will change my heart
take away my fears, my propensity for hesitation, the way i drag my feet f.o.r.e.v.e.r before i timidly dip my toes in
maybe that's not all bad.
maybe it's good that i am cautious, concerned, not running recklessly
maybe that's why God gave me mike
and gave me to mike
so we can learn from each other
grow with each other toward the God who made us
Who made one of us uber-cautious
and the other one a lover of risks
so that together, we can jump
because underneath are His everlasting arms



  1. Yes! The fearlessness of our little ones is such a testimony to the fearlessness God desires for all His children. And praise God everyday for the man who grows closer to, and loves recklessly, the Lord. Thank you so much for this!

  2. I love how God does that - puts people in our lives to inspire us to new levels where we might not go on our own. It sounds like your husband is the perfect match for you in that way!

  3. Love, love, love. :) Nice job. I can relate. And God is tearing away my security so that I no longer care, and just jump. It's a wild ride…
