
Friday, March 1, 2013

{ Ordinary }

Linking up with Lisa-Jo at Tales from a Gypsy Mama for this week's Five Minute Friday! Today's prompt: Ordinary.


It's so hard to feel anything but ordinary, bland, boring, when it seems like all I do all day is nurse, change diapers, roll around on the floor and play with her--with flurried stints of housework in between. I feel plain. Invisible. Ordinary.

It's a lie, isn't it? This IS the Great Thing I've always wanted to do with my life: Bring up little ones. Teach her how to eat, walk, talk. Show her Jesus with my life. Be the gatekeeper of this little heart. It's not ordinary! It's so extraordinary, this responsibility and this privilege, that when I stand back for a moment and look at it, I'm breathless with the weight of glory.

It's only when I can't lift my head about the daily drudge that I forget. My perspective skews ugly. She's not the interruption, the distraction, from the Great Things I was doing {or was going to do} with my life. Being her mama is the great thing. Shaping and molding her heart and soul? It's a huge task, too monumental for me. The fingerprints I will leave on her forever? I'm terrified of them--that I will hurt, break, mar her.

That's why my days with her matter so much more than the other stuff.


  1. Nikki, this is a beautiful portrait of motherhood. I'm not a mom yet, but I know I will need to remind myself of those same things when it happens. Thanks for this!

  2. I suppose any job involves these feelings of being little more than ordinary, but the beauty of motherhood is it actually never is! You captured this beautifully. You're such a good mom and I have no doubt Lainie loves you to pieces!
