
Friday, March 8, 2013

{ Five Minute Friday: Home }

Linking up here this week...


Hard to believe it's been nearly four years since I crossed the threshold from "spinster" to "Mrs." and started making a home with my man. A real live man, people!! This is not something I ever really thought possible! Hard to believe that for nearly four years, "home" has meant "small treehouse near the lighthouse." So much growth, learning, awful paint choices {followed by really good ones}, good memories, new life--so much is wrapped up in these four walls. I love this place, and I will be sad when it's time to move on.

But we won't be leaving our home: everything that really means "home" to us goes where we go. This treehouse has been the canvas for the home we've created with our lives, and our next dwelling is simply the next canvas. It will still be home. I firmly believe that Jesus knows exactly where we're going to live next, and when, and that it is perfectly suited for us. Just like all the homes I've known before.

The farm.

The houses where I rented a room from family friends.

The cozy apartment Lizett and I shared.

The house where Lizett, Colleen, Kristi and I did life together.

All perfectly suited to those particular seasons.

Because wherever He wants me to be, that is the perfect home for me.


  1. Nikki, I love your idea of each home as a canvas - I heartily concur! Where are the pics of your tree-house?! I'd love to see some.

    We've also moved around a lot so home is something we've taken with us each time.

    This is my first time linking up to 5 Minute Friday - it was a fun thing to do and great to meet you here!


  2. I love this idea of a house as the canvas for the home we create. Lovely.

  3. Lots of new houses being built in Duvall.. just sayin' :)

  4. You're right- we create our homes. I love the idea of a canvas. Beautiful. Thank you!

  5. Oh, so true - where He wants us is the perfect place for our home! I am intrigued by your tree house!

  6. Love the idea of home being our canvas too, and yes, so true that you take home with you wherever you go!

  7. I'm just now getting to read this... but ooooh it is just perfect for me/us! Thank you for the sweet and deep insights, and for sharing! Really encouraged me tonight!
