
Monday, March 21, 2011

{ So Thankful }

For time with these precious people.
For domino games, all snuggled 'round Grandma's chair so she doesn't have to get up.
For the sure knowledge that even if this is the last time we hang out on earth, there's eternity to spend together.

For long rambles with Mom, Obediah, and Mike.
For the opportunity to spend time with a growing-up-too-fast 16-year-old brother. {Who has his learner's permit. Eek!}
For a 16-year-old's courage in embracing the talents and gifts he's been given, unashamed to be a little "different."
For the intricate mazes of trails the mice have carved out under the snow during the winter, visible now that the snow is melted.
For a Dad and brother who know how to fix a generator.
For God's sweet, unasked-for grace in working it out so that we got to see both my other brothers in our path during our whirlwind trip. We see them rarely, our lives flung wide across the Pacific Northwest and not often in the same place at the same time.
For a long "chat" with my cat, Bagheera. She is about 15 years old and is usually too skittish to pet, but we had several nice "conversations" this time!
For a husband who loved on Bagheera for my sake.

For wide open spaces.
For traveling mercies, through sometimes treacherous driving conditions.
For "The Magician's Nephew," which was read aloud in its entirety by Mrs. Mike during the drive.
For hard, emotionally-fraught, but very freeing {and very much needed} conversations between Mr. & Mrs. Mike.
For my mom's a-mazing cooking. Three meals a day. Food coma 24 hours per day.

For the opportunity to spend a few hours with my brother Joe.
For Mom's providential timing in taking this picture at the exact moment I smacked Mike's bottom for making bunny ears behind my head.
For YouTube videos that made my mom laugh till she cried.
For late-night games of Phase 10 and Hand & Foot with my cousin Christy.

For super-cushy beanbag chairs.
For silly, excited, snuggly Shih Tzus.
For these, and many other gifts from our recent trip to visit my family in Idaho, I am thankful.


  1. Beautifully written! We LOVE Phase 10 & Hand and Foot too. I love the mouse trails tid bit, I had NO idea! Too awesome!

  2. Looks like you enjoyed many sweet moments! :D I love the pic of your brother laying out in the field - I've spent many afternoons like that on my parent's farm! Oh, and how's this for a random similarity - my younger brother has a cat named Bagheera... lol.

    p.s. thanks for your sweet comment on my last post, it's comforting to share this season with others who understand. One song I have found comforting is Hillsongs 'None But Jesus':

    take care! :) Andrea

  3. It sounds like you had a blessed trip. You have so much to me thankful for. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us!

  4. Tonya ~ There are mouse trails literally everywhere! Acres of them! My folks have a couple hundred acres of hayfields, and they are almost solid mouse trails every spring. Makes me wonder how many of the little critters are out there!
    Andrea ~ That is such a beautiful song! Thanks for sharing. And I've never heard of a cat named Bagheera besides that is quite random :-)
    Robin ~ Glad to hear from you! I talked to Amanda last week; she sounded like she was on cloud nine! So happy for all of you!
