
Thursday, September 9, 2010

{ Lots of Linky Love }

Hey peeps!

We don't have internet at home right's part of the new-office changaroo, and should be fixed in the next few days...but I've managed to find all sorts of great nooks and crannies on the interweb that are dee-lightful.

Like this post from Young House Love that has me itching to re-organize our closet and get rid of a LOT of my clothes that I almost never wear. Though I know I can't pare down my earring collection like she has!

I think that I am going to be forever grateful to find this post about favorite paint colors over at Holly Mathis Interiors: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and Part Four. I'm heading to Sherwin-Williams and Benjamin Moore after work today to get more paint chips. Fear not, dear husband, I am learning that accent colors are NOT wall colors. No more apple green walls. I'm very happy with how our home looks, but, well...if we were gonna do it over again, I wouldn't paint our living and dining rooms light green.

Another delight: this gorgeous nursery.

Notice the sidebar full of links to tutorials: how-to-make-beautiful-things, with lots of photos! I'm loving this wreath, and--these fabric flowers!!! Someone please tell my ovaries to stop emitting this continuous high-pitched sqealing noise! I'd like five girl babies right now so I can dress them in hats, headbands, sweaters, and dresses decorated with handmade fabric flowers, please and thankyouverymuch. Mercy, the cuteness!! Makes me think of my chubby new loves, Audie and Lottie, whose names are actually Audrey and Charlotte--two of my cousins had babies three days apart in March, and I got to meet them for the first time last month when we visited my family in Idaho. Audie and Lottie would rock the fabric flowers. Their mommies are going to hate me for calling them Audie and Lottie. Especially Lottie's mommy. {Love you, Julie!}

Maybe it's the autumnal quality in the air: A sort of extra-golden tint in the sunlight, a hint of orange leaves in the scent of the wind. Maybe it's the rain and the fact that I had to turn the heater on the other night and all the home decor blogs I've been consuming. Whatever it is, I am in a fiercely home-making phase. Can I start working part-time, in order to dedicate those other 20 hours per week to crafting and creating and painting?

Or at least be a mommy like this lady someday?

A crafty do-it-yourself-er like her?

I feel so blessed to be able to learn from read these women, to garner inspiration from their lives and creativity and to apply what I learn to hopefully make my home and life more beautiful. Seriously, what did people do before the internet?!

I'm excited to show you allllll about our camping trip last month, and then our trip to Idaho. So many beautiful people and places to blog about!


  1. These links are gems. I'm with you on inspiration overload! Just want to dive in and try all of these fun projects :) Miss you dear

  2. Thank you for your sweet comment and prayers just now, Nikki. I wanted to tell you, too, I was on here this am reading your beautiful posts and about to leave a bunch of comments (how we love deception pass, how I love all your autumn beauty, and especially how thankful I am that you linked to autumn fields - what a gift that was to me!...) but then I was summoned by waking up chiclets! And now I have to go to bed. :)

    So thank you for so much more, too! i love that you are writing more. It makes me miss you. :)
