
Friday, August 13, 2010

{ He knows my heart }

thank you Jesus
for fog blowing through the parking lot

it's supposed to be summertime
but i'm wearing a sweater
as i head to work
wishing i were still in bed
wishing at least for sunshine
to brighten the commute

i step outside
and i smell it:
the sea!
salty water
i even hear a gull in the distance

my whining
self-focused heart
is immediately
overwhelmed with gratitude
for this beauty

my Lord knows me
He made my heart
He knows i love oceans
and beaches

He wrapped my home in
ocean-scented fog
a good morning present
for an undeserving daughter
who complained in her heart
about the fog, not knowing
it was a gift for her from Jesus!

You love me, Jesus
even when the heart
that You fashioned to love You
grumbles about the gifts
You give me

I am undeserving of Your love